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1986.09——1992.07   原吉林工业大学 讲师

1992.02——1992.12   德国卡尔斯鲁尔大学机器人学研究所 研究人员

1993.09——1997.10   德国斯图加特大学系统动力学与控制工程研究所 研究人员

1997.11——1999.06   原吉林工业大学 副教授

1999.06——至今        吉林大学 博士生导师、教授


1979.09——1983.07   浙江大学 化工自动化专业 学士

1963.09——1986.07   浙江大学 工业自动化专业 工学硕士

1992.02——1997.10   德国斯图加特大学 自动控制技术专业 工学博士

1997.12——1999.05   原吉林工业大学 车辆工程 博士后


1. 国家重点研发计划项目,SQ2018YFB010021,自动驾驶电动汽车测试与评价技术,2018/01-2020/12,2969万元,在研,负责人;

2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,6179560010,极限工况下汽车主动安全协同控制及应用验证,2018/01-2022/12,1739.8万元,在研,负责人;

3. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流重点项目,61520106008,面向安全性的电动化汽车能效滚动优化,2016/01-2020/12,294万,在研,负责人;

4. 973课题,2012CB821202,跨尺度微重力补偿实现的基座控制,2012/01-2016/12,468万,已结题,子课题负责人;

5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,61034001,基于数据的汽车发动机动力总成分析与控制,2011/01-2014/12,240万,已结题,负责人;

6. 教育部项目,IRT1017,汽车控制的理论、方法与关键技术,2011/01-2013/12,300万,已结题,负责人;

7. 工信部电子信息产业发展基金,A08-BK-2010,新能源汽车电子控制系统研发与产业化,2010/01-2012/12,50万,已结题,负责人;

8. 国家自然科学基金重大计划重点支持项目,90820302,高速公路车辆智能驾驶中的关键科学问题研究,2009/01-2012/12,75万,已结题,负责人;

9. 国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金,60725311,控制系统的分析和综合,2008/01-2011/12,200万,已结题,负责人。


1. Zhao, H., Chen, W., Zhao, J., Zhang, Y., & Chen, H. Modular Integrated Longitudinal, Lateral, and Vertical Vehicle Stability Control for Distributed Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(2), 1327-1338, 2019

2. Chen, H., Guo, L., Ding, H., Li, Y., & Gao, B. Real-time predictive cruise control for eco-driving taking into account traffic constraints. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018

3. Gao, B., Guo, L., Zheng, Q., Huang, B., & Chen, H. Acceleration Speed Optimization of Intelligent EVs in Consideration of Battery Aging. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(9), 8009-8018, 2018

4. Guo, L., Gao, B., Liu, Q., Tang, J., & Chen, H. On-line optimal control of the gearshift command for multispeed electric vehicles. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 22(4), 1519-1530, 2017

5. S-Y Yu, T Qu, F Xu, H Chen, Y-F Hu, Stability of finite horizon model predictive control with incremental input constraints, Automatica,79(2017): 265-272

6. Guo L, Gao B, Liu Q, et al. On-line Optimal Control of the Gearshift Command for Multi-speed Electric Vehicles[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017, 22(4): 1519-1530. SCI

7. Guo L, Gao B, Gao Y, et al. Optimal Energy Management for HEVs in Eco-Driving Applications Using Bi-Level MPC[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, 18(8): 2153-2162. SCI

8. Guo L, Gao B, Li Y, et al. A fast algorithm for nonlinear model predictive control applied to HEV energy management systems[J]. Science China Information Sciences, 2017, 60(9): 092201. SCI

9. Guo L, Gao B, Chen H. Online Shift Schedule Optimization of 2-Speed Electric Vehicle Using Moving Horizon Strategy[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2016, 21(6): 2858-2869

10. F. Wang, H. Chen and D. Cao. Nonlinear coordinated motion control of road vehicles after a tire blowout. IEEE T. Control Systems Technology, 24(3):956-970, 2016.

11. T. Qu, H. Chen, Y. Ji, H. Guo and Y. Xu. A stochastic model predictive control approach for modelling human driver steering control. Int. J. Vehicle Design, 70(3):249-277, 2016.

12. F. Xu, H. Chen, X. Gong and Q. Mei. Fast nonlinear model predictive control on FPGA using particle swarm optimization. IEEE T. Industrial Electronics, 63(1):310-321, 2016.

13. T. Qu, H. Chen, D. Cao, H. Guo and B. Gao. Switching-based stochastic model predictive control approach for modeling driver steering skill. IEEE T. Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(1):365-375, 2015.

14. Y. Wang, B. Gao and H. Chen. Data-driven design of parity space-based FDI system for AMT vehicles. IEEE/ASME T. Mechatronics, 20(1):405-415, 2015.

15. X. Lu, H. Chen, B. Gao, Z. Zhang and W. Jin. Data-driven predictive gearshift control for dual-clutch transmissions and FPGA implementation, IEEE T. Industrial Electronics, 62(1):599-610, 2015.

16. B. Gao, H. Yue and H. Chen. Multi-speed torque coupler of hybrid electric vehicle to exploit energy reduction potential. Int. J. Vehicle Design, 69(1-4):255-272, 2015.

17. B. Gao, H. Chen, Q. Liu and H. Chu. Position control of electric clutch actuator using a triple-step nonlinear method. IEEE T. Industrial Electronics, 61(12):6995-7003, 2014.

18. H. Chen, X. Gong, Q. Liu and Y. Hu. Triple-step method to design non-linear controller for rail pressure of gasoline direct injection engines. IET Control Theory and Applications, 8(11):948-959, 2014.

19. Q. Liu, H. Chen, Y. Hu, P. Sun and J. Li. Modeling and control of the fuel injection system for rail pressure regulation in GDI engine. IEEE/ASME T. Mechatronics, 19(5):1501-1513, 2014

20. M. Ma, H. Chen, X. Liu and F. Allg¨ower. Moving horizon H1 control of variable speed wind with actuator saturation. IET Renewable Power Generation, 8(5):498-508, 2014.

21. B. Gao, X. Lu, J. Li and H. Chen. Dynamics and control of gear upshift in automated manual transmissions. Int. J. Vehicle Design, 63(1):61-83, 2013.

22. B. Gao, H. Chen, X. Lu and K. Sanada. Improved optimal controller for start-up of AMT trucks in consideration of driver’s intention. Int. J. Automotive Technology, 14(2):213-220, 2013.

23. H. Guo, H. Chen, F. Xu, F. Wang and G. Lu. Implementation of EKF for Vehicle Velocities Estimation on FPGA. IEEE T. Industrial Electronics, 60(9):3823-3835, 2013.

24. S. Yu, C. Bohm, H. Chen and F. Allgower. Model predictive control of constrained LPV systems. Int. J. Control, 85(6):671-683, 2012.

25. H. Chen, F. Xu and Y. Xi. Field programmable gate array/system on a programmable chip-based implementation of model predictive controller. IET Control Theory and Applications, 6(8):1055-1063, 2012.

26. B. Gao, H. Chen, L. Tian, K. Sanada. A nonlinear clutch pressure observer for automatic transmission: considering drive-shaft compliance. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, 134(1):011018, 2012.

27. B. Gao, H. Chen, J. Li, L. Tian and K. Sanada. Observer-based feedback control during torque phase of clutch-to-clutch shift process. Int. J. Vehicle Design, 58(1):93-108, 2012.

28. X. Lu, H. Chen, P. Wang and B. Gao. Design of a data-driven predictive controller for start-up process of AMT vehicles. IEEE T. Neural Networks, 22(12):2201-2212, 2011.

29. B. Gao, H. Chen, Y. Ma, K. Sanada. Design of nonlinear shaft torque observer for trucks with Automated Manual Transmission. Mechatronics, 21(6):1034-1042, 2011.

30. H. Jing, Z. Liu and H. Chen. A switched control strategy for anti-lock braking system with on/off valves, IEEE T. Vehicular Technology, 60(4):1470-1484, 2011.

31. B. Gao, H. Chen, Y. Hu and K. Sanada. Nonlinear feedforward-feedback control of clutchto-clutch shift technique. Vehicle System Dynamics, 49(12):1895-1911, 2011.

32. B. Gao, H. Chen, K. Sanada and Y. Hu. Design of clutch slip controller for automatic transmission using backstepping. IEEE/ASME T. Mechatronics, 16(3): 498-508 June 2011.

33. L. Zhao, Z. Liu and H. Chen. Design of a nonlinear observer for vehicle velocity estimation and experiments. IEEE T. Control Systems Technology, 19(3):664-672, 2011.

34. B. Gao, H. Chen, H. Zhao and K. Sanada. A reduced-order nonlinear clutch pressure observer for automatic transmission. IEEE T. Control System Technology, 18(2):446-453, 2010.

35. H. Chen, M. Ma, H. Wang, Z. Liu and Z. Cai. Moving horizon H1 tracking control of wheeled mobile robots with actuator saturation. IEEE T. Control System Technology, 17(2):449-457, 2009.

36. S. Yu, H. Chen and X. Li. Enlarging the terminal region of quasi-infinite horizon NMPC based on T-S fuzzy model. Int. J. Control Automation and Systems, 7(3):481-486, 2009.

37. H. Chen. A feasible moving horizon H1 control scheme for constrained uncertain linear systems. IEEE T. Automatic Control, 52(2):343-348, 2007.

38. H. Chen and C. W. Scherer. Moving horizon H1 control with performance adaptation for constrained linear systems. Automatica, 42(6):1033-1040, 2006.

39. H. Chen, X. Gao and H. Wang. An improved moving horizon H1 control scheme through Lagrange duality. Int. J. Control, 79(3):239-248, 2006.

40. H. Chen and K. Guo. Constrained H1 control of active suspensions: An LMI approach. IEEE T. Control System Technology, 13(3):412-421, 2005.

41. H. Chen, Z. Liu and P. Sun. Application of constrained H-infinity control to active suspension systems on half-car models. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, 127(3):345-354, 2005.

42. H. Chen and F. Allg¨ower. A quasi-infinite horizon nonlinear model predictive control scheme with guaranteed stability. Automatica, 34(10):1205-1217, 1998. control scheme with guaranteed stability for stable systems. Journal of Process Control, 8(5-6):475-485, 1998.


1. H. Chen and B. Gao. Nonlinear Estimation and Control of Automotive Drivetrains.Springer Verlag, Jan. 2014.

2. 陈虹. 模型预测控制.科学出版社, 2013.










2016.10——至今    中国自动化学会车辆控制与智能化专业委员会 主任委员

2014.08——至今    中国自动化学会过程控制专业委员会 常委

2013.02——至今    中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会 委员

2015.01——至今    吉林省汽车电子技术资讯委员会 主任委员

2015.07——至今    《中国科学-信息科学》编辑委员会 委员
