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吉林大学鼎新讲座——Fausto Giunchiglia院士讲座

发布时间:2023-09-18 点击:

讲座题目:Witmee–What is important to me, everytime, everywhere

讲座嘉宾:Fausto Giunchiglia 欧洲科学院院士 意大利特伦托大学教授




    Fausto Giunchiglia,欧洲科学院院士,意大利特伦托大学教授,中国国家高端外国专家,吉林大学未来科学实验室人工智能领域外方首席科学家,国际人工智能大会(IJCAI)原理事长、大会主席,意大利特伦托大学原副校长。Giunchiglia教授长期致力于知识表示、知识推理、知识多样性等人工智能领域相关研究,IJCAIAAAIACL等高水平会议和期刊发表学术论文300余篇,论文引用2.2万余次。主持WeNetQROWDSmartSociety等十余项欧盟项目。


    Witmee is a system whichlives with the user, collects user data from sensors (e.g., phone,watch,smart-glasses), and it interacts with her in order to make sense of thedata it collects. The final goal is to build a system which supports the userin her everyday activities and life. In this talk we will present the generalideas underlying the system, various large scale experimentations which havebeen done worldwide (e.g., Italy, UK, Denmark, Mexico, India, China, Mongolia),what we have learned from them and the future work directions. A special focuswill be focus to how to represent the user life and on how to use thisinformation to interact with her, in particular to check when the user providedinformation is not correct.

主办单位:科学技术协会  国际合作与交流处

承办单位:人工智能学院  计算机科学与技术学院

          软件学院  数学学院  通信工程学院
