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发布时间:2022-09-09 点击:

Title:Combating Misinformation in the Era of Social Media



Misinformation is defined as messages where people‘s beliefs about factual matters are not supported by clear evidence and expert opinion, e.g., myths, rumors, reporting errors, and misinformaion deliberately or inadvertently circulated by the media, governments, and other interest groups. Misinformation spread in social media severely jeopardizes the credibility of online content. Thus, automatic debunking of rumors is of great importance to keep social media a healthy environment. While facing a dubious claim, people often dispute its truthfulness sporadically in their posts containing various cues, which can form useful evidence with long-distance dependencies. In recent years, we propose to learn discriminative features from microblog posts by following their sequential or non-sequential propagation structure and generate more powerful representations for Combating misinformation.

虚假信息被定义为人们对事实问题的看法没有明确证据和专家意见支持的消息,例如媒体、政府和其他利益集团故意或无意传播的谬论、谣言、错误报道和消息。 社交媒体中传播的虚假信息严重危害线上内容的可信度。 因此,自动辟谣对于保持社交媒体的环境健康至关重要。 在面对可疑声明时,人们经常在包含各种线索的帖子中零星地质疑其真实性,这些线索可以形成具有远距离依赖关系的有用证据。 近年来,我们提出通过顺序或非顺序传播结构来学习微博帖子的判别特征,并生成更强大的表示来对抗虚假信息。

Short bio:

Dr. Ma Jing is an Assistant Professor at Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist Unniversity. She has long-term and strong research interests in Natural Language Processing, Social Network Analysis and Mining, Rumor and fake news Detection, stance detection, and explainable machine learning. She has co-authored more than 20 publications in refereed journals and conferences, including ACL, WWW, EMNLP, IJCAI, CIKM, TKDE and TIST, with more than 1700 citations so far. She was recognised as one of “The 2022 Women in AI” by Aminer, and her paper was selected as Top Five Outstanding TIST Articles. During 2018.12-2019.08, she was a visiting scholar at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. During 2019.12-2020.02, she was a visiting scholar at Institute for Basic Science, South Korea. In recent years, she served as Session Chair for COLING 2020, Program Committee Member for WWW2021, AAAI 2019-2021, ACL 2019, EMNLP 2019, AI 2019, etc, and was invited to review for journals such as TIST, TKDE, TOMM, etc.

马晶博士毕业于香港中文大学(2020年),现任香港浸会大学计算机科学系助理教授。多年来从事自然语言处理、社会媒体分析、谣言检测、观点挖掘以及可解释模型等相关研究。马晶博士在ACL、WWW、EMNLP、IJCAI、CIKM、TKDE、TIST等重要期刊和会议上合作发表论文20余篇,引用率达2550余次。她曾被Aminer评为“The 2022 Women in AI”之一,其发表于TIST期刊的论文曾被评为“最佳5篇优秀作者文章”。马晶博士曾访问新加坡南洋理工大学(2018年12月-2019年8月)以及韩国科学技术研究院(2019年12月-2020年2月)。近些年,马晶博士曾担任COLING 2020会议的分会联合主席(session co-chair),WWW2021-2023、AAAI 2019-2021、ACL 2019、EMNLP 2019、WSDM 2023等程序委员会成员,并受邀为《TIST》、《TKDE》、《TOMM》等期刊评审。




