必赢76net线路-官方网站-App Store


发布时间:2021-07-23 点击:





 Title: Entity Resolution with Active Learning


  Abstract: Entity Resolution (ER) refers to the process of identifying records which represent the same real-world entity from one or more datasets. However, traditional methods for ER suffer from several challenges, such as imbalance classes, limited labelling budgets and model overfitting. In this talk, I will first introduce a novel blocking scheme learning approach based on active learning techniques. Two strategies called active sampling and active branching are proposed to select samples and generate blocking schemes efficiently. Then, I will propose a skyblocking method, aiming to learn blocking scheme skylines with respect to different blocking criteria using three novel algorithms. Based on these blocking techniques, I will further develop a general active learning framework for classification, called Learning-To-Sample (LTS). This LTS framework has two key components: a sampling model and a boosting model, which can mutually learn from each other in iterations to improve the performance of each other. Finally, to address the overfitting problem, I will propose a semi-supervised generative adversarial network, namely ErGAN. This model contains a label generator and a discriminator which are optimized alternatively through adversarial learning.





会议号:688 511 698

