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2019级必赢766net手机版牛润良论文被IJCAI-ECAI 2022(CCF-A)接收

发布时间:2022-04-22 点击:

人工智能学院2019级必赢766net手机版牛润良的论文AttExplainer: Explain Transformer via Attention by Reinforcement Learning近日被CCF-A类会议IJCAI-ECAI 2022接收。国际人工智能联合会议(International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 简称为IJCAI)是人工智能领域中最主要的学术会议之一。今年的第31届国际人工智能联合会议与第25届欧洲人工智能会议(European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,简称ECAI)联合举办。会议将于2022年7月23日至29日在奥地利首都维也纳进行。牛润良目前从事自然语言处理的研究工作,本篇文章与魏哲培同学、王岩老师、王琪老师合作完成。

论文题目:AttExplainer: Explain Transformer via Attention by Reinforcement Learning




会议详情:IJCAI-ECAI 2022, the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 25th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence.



Transformer and its variants have recently achieved remarkable performance in many NLP tasks. However, the complex structure of Transformer and the huge number of stacked layers pose challenges for model interpretation and potential risks in their use. In this paper, we propose a novel reinforcement learning (RL) based framework for Transformer explanation via attention matrix, namely AttExplainer. The method builds a reinforcement learning environment. In each time step, the RL agent learns to perform step-by-step masking operations by observing the change in attention matrices, until the classification decision of Transformer changes or the probability decreases significantly. Then it can be shown that the masked part contains key positions that support the original classification decision. We have adapted our method to two scenarios: perturbation-based model explanation and text adversarial attack. Experiments on three widely used text classification benchmarks validate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to state-of-the-art baselines. Additional studies show that our method is highly transferable.
